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Most In-demand virtual assistant services of 2022

Most In-demand virtual assistant services of 2022

Recent statistics clearly show that hiring virtual assistant services has actually spiked interest levels to 41% from 2019 to 2020. The trend even rose further in the year 2020 as the virtual assistants reported an increment in overall inbound inquiries. The inbound qualities of virtual assistants have grown to around 70.2%.
Right after COVID-19, smaller and medium-sized enterprises were the hardest to get hit with entrepreneurs outsourcing business operations to cut the cost and stay in the market afloat.

These financial challenges were the reasons for the steady growth of virtual assistant services over the last couple of years! But, even the financially well-off firms have also been looking forward to these outsourced services. Right now, the global outsourcing market stood at around $92.5 in 2019!

There are some of the most in-demand virtual assistant services of 2022 that you need to focus on. This article will let you learn more about that from the get-go.

Back-office administrative work:

A virtual administrative assistant is the one to handle the tasks revolving around the account manager, marketer, or project leader to help oversee back-office operations and then cut down overhead costs for work equipment and physical office space. Some of the services under this panel are:
  1. Payroll and bookkeeping services like adding expenses, updating salaries, calculating work hours, and many more
  2. Building databases and managing entries associated with contacts, lead generation, sales, and CRM activities
  3. Phone answering and reception services like leaving voicemails, handling incoming calls, and more
  4. Sending and writing invoices to clients
  5. Presenting weekly reports after creating those thoroughly on deliverables and sales
  6. Organizing technical support tickets and taking active parts in customer support
  7. Email management like cleaning spam and responding to queries
  8. Scheduling client meets and appointments
  9. Sending out personal greeting cards, thank you notes, and invitations

Dealing with content marketing:

Some surveys have revealed that while blogging delivers strong business results, it can get competitive highly. Mediocre content days are gone and cannot drive any traffic to the website and run the sales engine easily.
Now is the time to introduce long-form content that will get you coveted top rank on the Google SERPs. To earn handsome ROI, virtual content marketers are here with loads of activities, like:
  • Working on guest blogs and building quality backlinks
  • Ideate blog topics and write unique content
  • Carrying email marketing to nurture leads and sending regular updates to existing customers
  • Creating PR and submitting it to news directories
  • Working on marketing collaterals like white papers, e-books, and case studies
  • Dealing with brochures and designing infographics
  • Other areas to venture into:

    Apart from the tasks mentioned, you can get a hold of a virtual assistant to work on SEO and digital marketing needs. Right from developing and updating marketing strategy to performing competitive keyword research, you can expect the best service from these professionals. Other than that, visit virtual assistants to get some help with social media management as well.

    To learn more about such in-demand virtual assistant services, feel free to contact Tasks Leader right away!