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creative VA

5 ways a creative VA impact your small business​

It’s not uncommon for any small business owner to be caught up in multiple things. By all means, that’s how a small business operates – you gotta handle a bunch of tasks all by yourself.
What makes it even more challenging is when you are juggling creative stuff on your plate. To make life easy, you will invariably seek help. And what better way to outsource some of the creative stuff to be handled by a seasoned Virtual Assistant (VA)– someone who is aware of the nuances of your business and can bring in his own creativity to put things right on track.
That way, you can shift your focus to hundreds of other important things like closing deals or pitching new clients for your business.
Now, one might be a tad bit sceptical to outsource stuff to a VA, and we totally get you. But what if we tell you a VA is way more qualified that any average Joe out there?
Still not convinced?
Fret not!
Read on to find out five awesome ways a creative VA can impact your business.

1. Because a VA is proficient in repurposing and handling multiple programs

We all know how virtual assistants cater to more than one client each day. Thus, they are always a step ahead than someone who dedicatedly works on a single software or apps.
In other words, a VA packs in the right kind of knowledge to get the task done, no matter what the software or the app you ask him to work with. VA’s are also more organized and are a master at juggling two or three things at one go.
One might argue that training can make anyone do anything. Sure, it does, but as a small business owner are you willing to spend a considerable amount of time training someone to get your creative stuff going on or rather have someone who is already skilled at it?
With a VA you will always have a better chance of working with someone who has already served on a similar profile for a client who more or less runs a similar business as yours. Thus, you are already talking to an expert and your job is half done anyway. Especially, when you need the guy to work with core graphic designing software like Photoshop or Lightroom which takes months to excel. Even Canva which is an online designing tool can take some time before you know your way to navigate right.
A seasoned VA always gives a fair chance to curiosity. This, in turn, helps them stay abreast of the latest tools and software that only make their jobs easier and keep them in demand. From repurposing emails and scripts, designing graphics for your special media efforts, or writing content for your website, a VA is undoubtedly a storehouse of skill that any small business owner can channel to their advantage.

2. Because a VA understand the job requirements faster

Often small business owners complain about the dearth of communication between them and the hired person. As an obvious consequence, things don’t turn out the way it’s supposed to be. Also, it’s never a good idea when you have to talk too much in making people understand the basic parameters of a job.

With a VA on board with you, things are bound to be different. Working with multiple clients from different walks of life and business types, they are fast in picking up the basic dobales for the task. What works to their advantage is how they work well with several different communication styles. Plus, they are a step ahead in asking the right kind of questions to defy the obvious obstacles and delivering the talk faster, and promising a quality output.

3. Because a creative VA can ignite your creativity as well

A VA, having catered to multiple business types, are well adept in establishing their ownership. As such, their experience can translate towards igniting your own creativity and can help you brainstorm even newer ideas and make things happen on your behalf.

4. Because a VA is always an asset, never a liability

A VA, unlike your hired employee, pays their own taxes as well as insurance. They also work from their own PC and tools, which means you don’t have to invest in them as much as you would do for a full-time employee.

Furthermore, the majority of VA’s these days prefer working on a retainer basis, which means you will have to enter into an agreement for a pre-fixed number of hours.

As you finish your hours, your dedicated VA will inform you of the same so that you can buy more hours to get your tasks assigned. In other words, every month you have a fresh start with a particular number of hours and new tasks to be assigned. However, there are times when a VA might choose to work on a project basis, like in case of social media posts to be created and posted each month or content for blogs to be written, or email to send and similar tasks.

As a small business owner, the best part of working with a VA is that you only need to pay for the required number of hours needed for your task. Such an approach helps keep your payments in check and you never end up overpaying someone for the tasks done.

5. Because a VA tops with in communication

Any business, big or small, can’t deny the power of communication shaping up things for good. With a VA in the picture, you will never have to think about getting your thoughts and ideas communicated rightly.
A VA can readily form a comprehensive idea about how tasks are to be handled, whether you need to reschedule video meetings weekly or monthly to get an update on tasks and everything else in between. As they are good in communication, they will always be upfront with any kind of decision to avoid hassles later on.
It’s only normal for a small business owner to feel overwhelmed, but with a VA alongside, you will never have to worry on the communication front.

And, if you’re wondering what your options are, when looking for a reliable VA, you’re looking at the right place – we’ve got you covered. Here’s a look at some of the best names in the VA business right now!

Tasks Leader

“Like Jarvis to Tony Stark, we are your extra pair of hands.” Nothing sums up this VA option better. Tasks Leader focuses on the bespoke needs of every small business, enabling its VAs to handle all that a small business owner wants. With 24/7 support and competitive tariff, Tasks Leader offers affordable and robust VA options, which will take the load off your shoulders. One of the most attractive offers provided by Tasks Leader is their exclusive free trial that allows the client to try the services for 3 hours over a period of 3 days before they sign up. The team also boasts of subject matter experts from various domains to help serve more customers, enabling them to work efficiently and grow exponentially. So whether you need content for your new website, or get a kickass graphic design, manage your calendar, or want help with remote IT support, Tasks Leader VA’s can be your most reliable help ever.


Prialto calls itself “the VA Service for Busy Professionals.” Designed to handle multiple enterprise teams and to achieve maximum optimization, Prialto was born as a response to two demands: employment for grads in developing economies, and the corporate need of a comprehensive VA solution. Today, it is an awesome VA service company which values “human-centered connection and empowerment”.

Serve Team

With a team of over a hundred dedicated VA personnel, Serve Team has been in the business for over a decade. They are “your employees just a call away”—and they give you a guaranteed 200% boost in performance, with a portfolio of more than 7000 clients served to back their claim.

Boldly (formerly, Worldwide101)

Terming their approach to remote staffing as “carefully matching team members with companies based on skills and personality for a winning long-term relationship.” Boldly offers dedicated personnel for designations like admin support, project management, and marketing support to companies across the world.


A creative virtual assistant readily takes a vested interest in the tasks that you assign him as a small business owner. This only helps both ways–for a creative VA it means more work in hand, and as a business owner it guarantees more peace of mind for you.

So, now that you know why hiring a creative VA can help put things in focus and buy you some quality time to boost your business expansion efforts, it’s time to hire a creative VA right away and get the show on the road!